Saturday, October 16, 2010

"what shall befall thy people"

(Click to enlarge, since the old battle ship that joined the Japanese-Russo War is 122 meters long.)

Difficile le Travail du Samedi

Seven Wonders of the World Today:

1. Why has President Mr. Barack Obama failed in reducing the unemployment rate?

2. Why could not FRB Chairman Mr. Ben Barnanke succeed in preventing the 2008 crisis?

3. Why did Former President Mr. George W. Bush decide to invade Iraq?

4. Why could not Former FRB Chairman Mr. Alan Greenspan succeed in preventing the 2008 crisis?

SECTION I: More on the Senkaku Islands

Can The New York Times win the Nobel Peace Prize due to its opinion on the Senkaku Islands?

Before wishing the favor of the Norwegian Government, The New York Times must realize that 80% of the Japanese people are angry with the Chinese violent skipper, China's arrogant and false messages on Senkaku to the world, China's violation of WTO rules, and China's so-called retaliation of arresting four Japanese employees of a Japanese company operating in China. They are angry enough, since they have evidence that China and Taiwan once admitted Japan's territorial jurisdiction on the Senkaku Islands.

(Pieces of evidence on Chinese/Taiwanese recognition of Japan's sovereignty on the Senkaku Islands, including Chinese Communist Party official documents in 1950's and Taiwanese official maps in 1960's: )

If Cuba says that the Senkaku Islands must belong to China, since they are so close to Shanghai and far, far away from Tokyo, we will simply smile, saying that Cuba might be actually thinking that it is part of the U.S. since the Cuba is so close to Miami.

Or, if the U.K. says the Senkaku Islands on a map are situated so close to the Chinese Continent and so far away from the Japanese Islands that they must belong to China, we will simply smile, saying that the U.K. might be actually thinking it is part of France and the Netherlands since Great Britain is so close to the European Continent.

But, if The New York Times writes that as bad Japan invaded Shanghai in 1937, the Senkaku Islands must belong to good China of today, we have to think that American elites have come to share the same mentality as Chinese elites, which, if true, I think American citizens cannot accept or tolerate. Indeed, it means that American citizens will be put into a jail by American elites only because they speak ill of American elites even if they win the Nobel Peace Prize.

First of all, we are not in the early 19th century when Europeans Powers and the U.S. were colonizing South East Asia and the Philippines. The modern concept of the border must be applied in dealing with the Senkaku Islands. (However, China has occupied Tibet and other peripheral Islamic areas as if in the early 19th century.)

Second, old documents can be interpreted in various ways. If a Chinese emperor had issued an official statement on the Senkaku Islands as his own territory in the past, the statement can be regraded as proving the Islands belonged to the Chinese emperor at the time. But, even in this case, it cannot have a permanent effect.

Third, successive Chinese emperors did not mind such small islands. Chinese emperors thought Korea, Taiwan, and Okinawa belonged to them. But, it was based on vague concepts of the border and the tributary relationship. (If asked, they would say every lot on the earth belonged to a Chinese empire as far as Jerusalem and Rome.) In comparison, the Senkaku Islands are far smaller than Korea, Taiwan, or Okinawa. Successive Chinese imperial courts would not even take time to think about necessity to send officials to barren islands to make its occupancy effective. Otherwise, successive Chinese empires would have thought that at any time they could prove their occupancy if needed or challenged.

On the other hand, the Okinawa Kingdom knew they could freely sail around the Islands as they had never received any official statement from a Chinese emperor proclaiming its dominium on the Senkaku Islands. Samurai-era Japan had no interest in the Senkaku Islands. Nobody challenged successive Chinese empires in terms of territory, which however did not mean that the Senkaku Islands belonged to China in those days. So, as time went by and the Empire of Japan examined the legal and actual state of the Islands in the late 19th century to establish its occupancy there, it was found that no one established an effective right on the Islands. And, the Ching Dynasty did not respond to this challenge, if it had been a challenge at all. Then 80 years after the Japanese effective action on the Senkaku Islands, China started to claim its right on the Islands in 1970's.

Fourth, but most importantly, until 1945, China had never claimed its right on Taiwan that belonged to the Empire of Japan since the end of Japan-Sino War in 1895, because China had to respect the treaty with the Empire, though Taiwan had before belonged to the Ching Dynasty if not fully. But, unfortunately after WWII, China did not join the Peace Treaty signed in San Francisco which settled various post-war matters related to the Pacific stage of WWII.

Neither the Republic of China in Taiwan nor the People's Republic of China in mainland China were invited because of the Chinese Civil War and the controversy over which government was legitimate, and as a consequence of U.S.-U.K. disagreement over the Chinese participation, neither North nor South Korea was invited.

So, China's claim even on Taiwan cannot be valid, without mentioning the Senkaku Islands, since this Peace Treaty is the only authentic document on handling of Taiwan after WWII. But, The New York Times might not know this historical fact. China can claim anything about Taiwan and Senkaku as it did not sign the Treaty, but the Treaty never substantiates their claim.

Signed at San Francisco, 8 September 1951
Initial entry into force*: 28 April 1952



Article 2
(a) Japan recognizing the independence of Korea, renounces all right, title and claim to Korea, including the islands of Quelpart, Port Hamilton and Dagelet.

(b) Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.


The Senkaku Islands have never been officially defined as part of Taiwan by the Ching imperial court, the Kingdom Okinawa, and the "Empire of Japan" who was a real party of the treaty represented by "Japan" of its successor after WWII.

In this way, the arrogant Ming and Ching Dynasties did not show any intention and take any legal measures, if in a classic term, to make its territorial jurisdiction established on the Senkaku Islands against the outer world. (Again, as stated, Chinese emperors did not find any need to do so, since they thought all the Far East except Japan was theirs, which is however tantamount to possessing nothing in the Far East as the Chinese imperial behaviors did not conform to modern international codes of exercising sovereignty.) Then, China after WWII did not show any intention and take any legal measures to make its territorial jurisdiction established in the Islands till early 1970's, though it is true that Chinese were absorbed in various wars and conflicts where millions of poor Chinese were killed in 1940's, 1950's, and 1960's. ( ) However, they must have carefully read the territorial arrangement in the San Francisco Peace Treaty, as a matter of course. And, Chinese/Taiwanese Governments did not make an effective objection for 20 years after the conclusion of the Treaty, in which Japan understood that the Senkaku Islands were secured for Japan as part of Okinawa Prefecture which was still under control of American military authority.

Conversely, relying on its 1895 legal action and the 1951 Peace Treaty signed in San Francisco, Japan has continued to exercise its territorial jurisdiction on the Senkaku Islands to date. It is true that Japan has been the only modern nation in the Far East that can be a true responsible actor or party of any international and diplomatic deal before 1945. Nonetheless, if America denies the Japanese efforts to observe European/American-leading standards, criteria, and value systems, China will all the more neglect international accords, treaties, rules, customs, and traditions, since it is disadvantageous for China to comply with such accords; China has had no sufficient ability to be a responsible actor, party, or subject in these legal instruments. (This is another matter from a question as to which is bad or good between the Empire of Japan and China before the end of WWII.)

( )

To make sure, it is Chinese troops that invaded Shanghai in 1937, moving from inland or central China. The international city Shanghai of the early 20th century was defended by American Marines and other European guards in addition to Marines and Naval ships of the Empire of Japan, since three million Chinese, Europeans, Americans, Judaists, and Japanese were peacefully living in Shanghai without being involved in the early Chinese Civil War and the Japan-China armed conflicts happening around Beijing and Manchuria at the time.

Anyway, refer to the recent postings to the EEE Reporter blog for China, Japan, the Japan-Sino War, Shanghai and Nanjing in 1937, the Senkaku Islands, and Chou En-lai's conversations on Senkau with Kakuei Tanaka.

Finally, The New York Times must help indigenous Americans take back their territories on the soil of North America rather than help China attack the Nobel Peace Prize winner and Japanese corporate workers in mainland China.

In addition, I can understand that The New York Times thinks that Chinese elites are closer to Japanese rather than to North Korean leaders. But, the fact is that Chinese elites share many things with Korean leaders but little with Japanese. Chinese elites are very different from Japanese beyond imagination of American elites or Christians.

(I can also understand that some Chinese people truly believe that the Senkaku Islands belong to China, simply because the Islands are so close to Shanghai. I do not blame them. They are not educated well. They are not even allowed by the Chinese Communist Government to read works by some Nobel Peace Prize winner.)

SECTION II: P.M. Kan Should Release the Evidence Video on Senkaku (recap)

To intentionally damage it and escape, a reckless Chinese skipper of a fishing boat hit his boat to a Japan Coast Guard ship on duty. The Chinese Communist Government praised this violent poacher as hero. You should not believe China in terms of their version of reports on GDP, the Tiananmen Massacre, and battles during WWII.

Check the Japan Coast Guard site:

Prime Minister of Japan Mr. Naoto Kan is not afraid of the Chinese people but of the Japanese people.

If the evidence video is released and clearly presents violent actions of the illegal Chinese fishing boat and its skipper, the Japanese people will surely get angry at the lawless Chinese skipper and the Japanese Government that released him while he was waiting for a trial in the Ishigaki-jima Island, Okinawa Prefecture.

It is estimated that 80% of the Japanese people will get angry at the lawless Chinese skipper and the Kan Cabinet. That is why P.M. Mr. Kan would not make it publicly open, while the Chinese Government has authorized Chinese sites presenting an illustration where the Chinese fishing boat is hit by a Japanese Coast Guard ship.

*** *** *** ***

Seven Wonders of the World Today (cont.):

5. Why has China been able to become a big economic power?

6. Why have not Mexico and Latin America been able to become a big economic power?

7. Why have not Africa and the Middle East been able to become a big economic power?

Of course there are many wonders in the Bible:

1. Why must have Christ Jesus be born one generation after the death of Cleopatra?

2. Why would not any scholars claim that Abraham was originally from a Sumerian kingdom?

3. Why is Palestine or Israel situated at the connecting point between Africa, Europe and Asia?

Finally, you have at least one wonder: 
1. Why must you be born and living in this era, sharing this time point on history with the EEE Reporter?

Mostly the answer to each is that rich men are so bad and poor men must be saved.

Or, otherwise, there is a serious lack of love somewhere, yes, somewhere.

( )

Dan 10:14 Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.

Dan 10:15 And when he had spoken such words unto me, I set my face toward the ground, and I became dumb.

Dan 10:16 And, behold, one like the similitude of the sons of men touched my lips: then I opened my mouth, and spake, and said unto him that stood before me, O my lord, by the vision my sorrows are turned upon me, and I have retained no strength.

Dan 10:17 For how can the servant of this my lord talk with this my lord? for as for me, straightway there remained no strength in me, neither is there breath left in me.

Dan 10:18 Then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man, and he strengthened me,

Dan 10:19 And said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong. And when he had spoken unto me, I was strengthened, and said, Let my lord speak; for thou hast strengthened me.

Friday, October 15, 2010

"And thou, Capernaum"

Like Submarines

Bon Vendredi

On April 16, 2007, total 33 (including the perpetrator) professors and students were killed by a single gunman on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia.

As total 33 miners were saved in the San Jose copper-gold mine, near Copiapo, Chile, this year, I suppose the tide turns.

But, do you feel anything mysterious related to the number 33.

According to common knowledge of history, in the year A.D. 33:
Saint Peter becomes Pope (according to Roman Catholic tradition).

SECTION I: A Story of Toyotomi Hideyoshi

In 1590, having won the last domestic war for him in the Kanto region, Hideyoshi united Japan.

It was a great achievement realized through numerous wars pursued after having succeeded Oda Nobunaga as the top leader in the most powerful camp of samurai lords, including even Tokugawa Ieyasu though after some conflicts. But, now there were too many samurai soldiers in Japan, in addition to the world largest number of matchlock guns of various sizes. Hideyoshi had to bother himself about how to reward them, though he had already collected a plenty of gold and silver as spoils of wars.

Then, Hideyoshi mobilized 158,000 troops to invade China through Korea in 1592. His troops occupied almost all the Korean Peninsula. However, before entering the Ming territory an envoy from the Ming Dynasty expressed virtual surrender to Hideyoshi and promised to satisfy Hideyoshi's demands; accordingly, he terminated the invasion. Samurai lords, generals, and troops on this great expedition returned to Japan across the sea.

Yet, soon after it, it was found the message from Ming was false. Officials on both the sides in charge of diplomatic negotiations tried to end the war, so that each reported that other side surrendered.

But, when an imperial mission the Ming court sent to Japan met Hideyoshi in person at his mighty Osaka castle, the startling truth was found. Through the imperial envoy, the then emperor of Ming intended to give a title of "King of Japan" to Hideyoshi as his subject like in the case of "King of Korea," which provoked Hideyoshi so furiously. So, the virtual samurai king of Japan proclaimed war again with the Ming empire, preparing 141,500 troops in 1596.

The second war with Ming was terminated when Hideyoshi died of illness at his Osaka castle in 1599, after a series of great battles where 110,000 troops of coalition between the Ming Dynasty and the Korean Joseon Dynasty had been completely defeated by Japanese samurai troops in the Korean Peninsula. So, Samurai lords, generals, and troops on this great expedition returned to Japan across the sea again.

Accordingly, nobody in Japan thought that Japanese samurai troops were defeated by the coalition of the Chinese empire and the Korean kingdom, but those military campaigns were thought to be futile or wasteful by many samurai lords including Ieyasu, since Beijing was so far over the Korean Peninsula and Koreans did not join Japanese samurais in invading China.

Yet, it should be however noted that Toyotomi Hideyoshi is the only Japanese who ever started war with a foreign country or countries, taking the full personal initiative and based on one's own personal motivation or anger, in the 2000-year Japanese history.

(Of course, there was emperor living in Kyoto at the time, but the emperor had no political and military power at all, though Hideyoshi was extremely happy to be given one of the highest titles in the Japanese Imperial court.)


It should be also noted that Toyotomi Hideyoshi met four Japanese Christian youths who returned from their travelling to Rome for paying respect to a Pope.

In 1582 when there were 150,000 Catholics in Japan due to efforts by Vatican missionaries and Nobunaga's religious policy (though Nobunaga who controlled Kyoto and other major regions of Japan was assassinated in this year), four Japanese boys started for Rome, being led by members of the Society of Jesus.

After a long journey, they finally had an audience with Pope Gregory XIII on March 23, 1585, as the first Japanese that ever met a Pope. Then, in 1590 they came back to Japan eight and a half years after their departure for Rome. On March 3, 1591, the four Catholic Japanese youths were invited to Hideyoshi's gorgeous residence in Kyoto. They were accompanied by a Portuguese missionary called Luis Frois who later wrote a notable book titled "History of Japan."

At the time, Hideyoshi was gradually changing a policy on Christians he relayed from Nobunaga who loved Western culture. However, Hideyoshi loved profits brought in through trade with Spanish and other European merchants who sailed between India, South East Asia, the Philippines, and Japan. So, he did not persecute Christians, while restricting activities of Vatican missionaries.

In 1597, Hideyoshi executed 26 Catholics for reasons still identified academically, though the four Catholic youths were not included in the martyrs.

The Twenty-six Martyrs of Japan (***, Nihon Nijūroku Seijin?) refers to a group of Christians who were executed by crucifixion on February 5, 1597 at Nagasaki. Their martyrdom is especially significant in the history of Roman Catholicism in Japan.

On February 5, 1597, twenty-six Christians – six European Franciscan missionaries, three Japanese Jesuits and seventeen Japanese laymen including three young boys – were executed by crucifixion in Nagasaki on the orders of Hideyoshi Toyotomi.[1] These individuals were raised on crosses and then pierced through with spears.

Hideyoshi must have well known that the earth was round, since Vatican missionaries must have brought world maps into Japan.

Hideyoshi must have well understood, too, that the Vatican was propagating its religion in a large scale all over the world. Yet, his noteworthy interview with the Japanese youths that had visited Rome and the Vatican as the first Japanese in history did not change his paradigm at all. Hideyoshi must have wanted to know whether the Pope could send mighty troops into Japan instead of peaceful missionaries in case anything had gone wrong.

Finally Hideyoshi, the then samurai ruler of Japan, died in the Osaka castle in 1598, worrying about too young son of his and asking favors of leading samurai lord Ieyasu so as to help him govern Japan.

In 1615, his bereaved son living in the gigantic castle in Osaka was defeated in the last battle in a series of wars over years with Tokugawa Ieyasu who subsequently started to govern whole Japan from his main castle in Edo (Tokyo) in the Kanto region, replacing the Toyotomi clan.

Nonetheless, this tragic son of Hideyoshi was a child between Hideyoshi and one of his concubines who committed a suicide by sword together with her son when Ieyasu destroyed the Osaka castle.

Hideyohi's lawful wife, Nene, survived all these incidents, wars, and tragedies till her death in Kyoto in 1624, while living in comfort at least outwardly. Though she could not give birth to a child for Hideyoshi, Nene's position as the sole legally wedded wife was never challenged by any of Hideyoshi's concubines.

She was also liked by Oda Nobunaga, respected by Tokugawa Ieyasu, and even praised by Luis Frois. It was so, since Nene married Hideyoshi when he was just a kind of young and poor farmer or something like that.

(Under the Tokugawa regime, Japan enjoyed almost complete domestic peace while sealing itself off to the outside world till 1850's. This disappearance of Japan and Japanese from the international stage over 200 years had significant influence on the world, Asia, the Far East, and Japan itself, as Western Powers were all the more engaged in invasion and colonization of Asia in these 200 years.

If Oda Nobunaga had survived the assassination attempt in 1582, he could have easily conquered whole Japan, leading Hideyoshi, Ieyasu, and other samurai lords. He might have even become a Christian after all without making war with the Ming Dynasty.

Yet, even Nobunaga's niece committed a suicide by sword at the Osaka castle with the young son whose father was fairly believed to be Hideyoshi, when they were fatally attacked by Ieyasu who once had a daughter-in-law who was a child between Nobunaga and one of his concubines.

So, you must remember that a harquebus was introduced into Japan in 1543 and then Christianity in 1549 during the Period of Warring States of Japan...)

SECTION II: Language Service

Now, let's change the mood!

Apple: A fictitious company that does not exist.

China: The centrally planned communist economy that is the model for Free Market Economies in the West. alt. An idealized form of Capitalism;

European Union (EU): A soon to be dissolved association of Socialist states, whose sole purpose is to mislead investors into believing the United States is (comparatively) fiscally responsible.

Google: See Apple

Japan: A large manufacturing island in the Pacific, whose decades-long recession is the inevitable model for the United States

Money Supply: ∞, an imaginary number.

Subprime: The state of all credit in the US

In addition:

Chile: a nation with 33 heroes wearing sunglasses.

Goldman Sachs: a company with total assets of $883.000 billion earned without selling a single house or an apple.

Microsoft: a company with total assets of $86.113 billion earned without selling a single computer or an apple.

USA: Usually Satisfied Alligators

*** *** *** ***


After you get out of a dark, dark tunnel, twist and shout! "Come on, Come on, Come on, Come on, Baby Now!!")

Luk 10:14 But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment, than for you.

Luk 10:15 And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heaven, shalt be thrust down to hell.

Luk 10:16 He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

"and am known of mine"

Like a U.S. Destroyer of the 7th Fleet

Bien Huilée Jeudi

Just 11 days ago, I checked a 69-story tower in Yokohama, Japan, and then yesterday the first man of the 33 miners trapped deep underground was rescued in their 69th day since August 5.

I was also watching relayed CNN coverage around 00:30 p.m. of today showing the last rescue worker, namely the 37th man or such ever in the blocked-up cavity being lifted up with a cage holding him inside.

So, now you know a faster and safer elevator is sometimes so wanted if not for entering the Guinness Book of Records. Indeed, the Yokohama tower has an elevator, made in Japan, that ascends/descends at a pace of 700 meters per minute as I reported in this blog.

So, the God is Great! Abraham is great! Moses is great!

(And, where was the Pope? In a Yokohama 69th story tower?
I have been two steps from the TV screen, though not 3D, presenting the inside of the glorious tunnel, so modestly.)

SECTION I: Russian Invasion to China & Korea

It was just a century ago. The Russian Empire did not hide its ambition to occupy Manchuria (north east of Beijing), the Korean Peninsula, and any part of the Empire of Japan. So, the samurai-spirit-based Empire started to prepare for war without any hesitation, which became the starting point for its half-a-century strategy to handle Korea and China so that they would not betray the Empire and help Russians invade the Far East.

Put simply, if Koreans and Chinese had joined the efforts of the Empire of Japan to stop the military and political invasion by Russians around 1900, there would not have occurred the annexation of Korea to the Empire of Japan and the Japan-Sino War.

It would have been more welcomed by the Empire of Japan, if Koreans and Chinese had joined the efforts of the Empire of Japan to compete with European Powers and the U.S. in developing modern industry and civilization in East Asia around 1900.

Yet, facing the overwhelmingly powerful and aggressive invasion by the Russian Empire and later by the Soviet Union, Chinese and Koreans tried to befriend Russians, making an enemy of the Empire of Japan as a kind of token of friendship with arrogant Russians.

Now, let's check a map showing where Russians specifically occupied around 1900, intimidating Chinese, Koreans, and the Empire of Japan.


In December 1897, a Russian fleet appeared off Port Arthur. After three months, in 1898, a convention was agreed between China and Russia by which Russia was leased Port Arthur, Talienwan and the surrounding waters. It was further agreed that the convention could be extended by mutual agreement.

The Russians also began to make inroads into Korea, by 1898 they acquired mining and forestry concessions near Yalu and Tumen rivers,[5] causing the Japanese much anxiety. Japan decided to strike before the Trans-Siberian Railway was complete.

The Russians and the Japanese were both part of the eight member international force which was sent in to quell the Boxer Rebellion and to relieve the international legations under siege in the Chinese capital. As with other member nations, the Russians sent troops into Beijing. Russia had already sent 177,000 soldiers to Manchuria, nominally to protect its railways under construction. The troops of the Qing empire and the participants of the Boxer Rebellion could do nothing against this massive army. As a result, the Qing troops were ejected from Manchuria and the Russian troops settled in.[6] Russia assured the other powers that it would vacate the area after the crisis. However, by 1903, the Russians had not yet established any timetable for withdrawal[7] and had actually strengthened their position in Manchuria.


If there had not been the samurai spirit in Japan that had been domestically cultivated and practiced for 1,000 years, the whole Far East should have been conquered by the Russian Imperial military. Even the U.S., the U.K., Germany, and France would join Russians in their greedy colonizing efforts.

If you cannot believe it, check and study reports, documents, and books written by Westerners who travelled Japan, Korea, and China around 1900. You can see whether Chinese were so advanced as Japanese, or Koreans were so modernized as Japanese in those days, while Chinese and Koreans of today so claim. If not, the grounds for their historical accusation against the Empire of Japan should be mostly error.

SECTION II: Theory Between Bubble and Deflation

American economists have discussed how the Bank of Japan handled interest rates through 1990's and early 2000's, since they thought they could find a clue to understanding the historically very rare phenomenon called "Japan's lost decade."

Put simply, it is great deflation that happened after great bubble in the economy with a scale next to America's.

However, it is not such a minor matter as can be simply discussed with a simple focus on interest rates a central bank is allowed to manipulate.

With a certain hidden condition, there can be a following state of propagation of effects from an exchange rate to stock prices, to interest rates, and eventually to employment and back to an exchange rate, or at the same time in the inverted direction. However, in the deflation zone, no propagation of the effects can be effectively expected. The central bank and the Ministry/Department of Finance are thus helpless within this zone.

Both from theory and real data, various patterns can be drawn, and a transition of a curve along time within one domain can have various routes, too. But, if trapped in the deflation zone, artificial operation of interest rates and an exchange rate are useless.

Yet, as for "Japan's lost decade," there is a big hidden factor, China. American economists should have discussed China more than the Bank of Japan to understand what happened in the Japanese economy since 1990 up to today.

*** *** *** ***

A miracle has happened in Chile. It is also wanted in China

China mining bosses 'employ stand-ins to avoid being sent into pits'

Senior staff circumventing rule introduced to cut fatal accident rate in country's mines, claims Chinese media

Tania Branigan in Beijing, Tuesday 21 September 2010 13.51 BST

Last year saw more than 2,600 deaths – down from a peak of almost 7,000 in 2002. But there were 1,261 in the first half of this year; an increase from 1,175 in the same period of 2009. It is thought the increase reflected pressure to produce as the economic recovery raised demand.

China is not in a state admitting of a challenge to Japan.

The Chinese Communist Government must stop building aircraft carriers but start to implement safety measures in mines.

The world is now ashamed to have such a quasi-second largest economy China in terms of GDP, accurate or not.

Joh 10:14 I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"let your peace return to you"

Like the Maritime Self-Defence Forces Fleet

Un Clignotement Mercredi

SECTION I: First Man Pulled Up Successfully

I am watching the live broadcast from Chile. Japanese TV stations and a cable TV channel relaying CNN images present the spectacle.

I saw the first man being hoisted up and getting out of the cage into the spotlighted night of Chile.

Now, 34 men are in the copper mine, the rarest moment through this event.

(Two of them are from the surface of the ground to help original 33 and then 32 get out of the occluded tunnel.)

The second man is now in the cage; there will be soon 33 men again in the great mine cavity.

Now, the cage has started to move upward as the second time...

Great is the God!!

Now, it is 1 p.m. on October 13, 2010, here around Tokyo.

SECTION II: A Story of Oda Nobunaga

Oda Nobunaga is the most popular samurai hero in the Japanese history.

In his lifetime from 1534 to 1582, he fought 120 battles since his childhood.


Specifically, even before he succeeded the status of a feudal samurai lord from his father in 1551, Nobunaga started to his wartime career since Japan was in the "Sengoku-Jidai" or the Warring States period since 1467.  (Oda is a family name; Nobunaga is a personal name.)

His first engagement in a battle was in 1538 and his last battle was in 1582. So, a simple calculation results in 2.7 wars or battles per year; or every four months Nobunaga took up the sword and a war-horse, going out for a battle field against enemy samurais.

From other angle, Nobunaga survived 119 battles till the last and fatal one for 44 years.

In a series of several fiery battles against die-hard Buddhist forces in 1570's, he mobilized 100,000 or more samurai troops in each. In the battle in Mt. Koya south of Kyoyo launched in 1981, Nobunaga commanded 137,000 samurai troops. Many samurai-generals, such as Hideyoshi, subject to him and independent allies, such as Ieyasu, followed Nobunaga, believing that he would conquer and unite whole Japan for the first time in 100 years.

Nobunaga was also notable as the first samurai lord that introduced a tactics of using scores, hundreds, and thousands of matchlock gun shooters in a real battle in Japan. (The harquebus was first brought into Japan by Portuguese merchants whose ship went adrift to an island between Kyusyu and Okinawa in 1543.)

Nobunaga also adopted a system to hire as many as professional troops even in time of peace, though traditionally a samurai lord hired farmers, in addition to professional samurai warriors, in his territory as many as possible to constitute his troops only when he was engaged in a battle.

Nobunaga also loved to get useful information from missionaries from the Vatican. He protected their missionary work and allowed churches to be built in his territory. But, more remarkable was his employment of new structure of a castle based on stone basement and walls. It is said that Nobunaga learnt a merit of this type of castles built in Europe from Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian missionary priests.

Nobunaga literally killed tens of thousands of his enemy samurais, insurgents, and Buddhist fighters in addition to his close relatives trying to kill him.

But, it is believed that Oda Nobunaga had only one legitimate wife all through his life, though divorce was not uncommon in the samurai community since there were so many practices of political intermarriages one of which was also a Nobunaga's case.

His wife, Kicho or Noh-hime, had no children or at least no sons, which was fatally bad for a wife of a samurai lord.

Kicho's clan was later conquered by Nobunaga, after her father was killed by one of his sons in internal fighting. Now that Nobunaga got the territory of her original clan's, she might have become useless for Nobunaga, but it is believed that Oda Nobunaga did not divorce her while she could not give birth to his wanted successor.

When Nobunaga was assassinated by one of his subject-generals named Mitsuhide in a temple (Hon-no-ji) close to the south of Kyoto in 1582, she was in a great castle (Azuchi-jyo) of the Odas on the Lake Biwa north of Kyoto. Subsequently and quickly, she left the castle for a friendly samurai lord. Then, while Mitsuhide was engaged in a war with Hideyoshi, other subject-general of Nobunaga, to be eventually killed, the great castle was lost in a great fire.

After it, there were no authentic reports about her whereabouts. Yet, there is a record left in a temple near the great castle, now ruined, that she died in 1612. It is very reasonable that she was given a posthumous Buddhist name meaning "a senior graceful woman who nurtures flowers" as is left in an old record of the temple with a date of death, since her name Kicho means a "returning butterfly."

(In addition, it is said that Mistuhide was an old acquaintance of, or from a clan remotely associated with, Kicho, Nobunaga's wife. As Kicho was an attractive woman, Mistuhide was probably all the more resolute to revolt against his lord Nobunaga. Yet, it is a kind of miracle that the widow of Nobunaga, the all-time greatest samurai hero, could live peacefully through the era of Hideyoshi, an ex-follower of Nobunaga, and the era of Ieyasu, an ex-junior ally of Nobunaga. Maybe everybody was afraid of the soul of Nobunaga felt behind her. Otherwise, Oda Nobunaga, so bloody in his samurai career, might have observed one teaching of Christ Jesus so as not to ever divorce his wife, since Vatican missionaries were so near him sometimes. )

SECTION III: P.M. Kan Should Release the Evidence Video on Senkaku (repeated)

To intentionally damage it and escape, a reckless Chinese skipper of a fishing boat hit his boat to a Japan Coast Guard ship on duty. The Chinese Communist Government praised this violent poacher as hero. You should not believe China in terms of their version of reports on GDP, the Tiananmen Massacre, and battles during WWII.

Check the Japan Coast Guard site:

Prime Minister of Japan Mr. Naoto Kan is not afraid of the Chinese people but of the Japanese people.

If the evidence video is released and clearly presents violent actions of the illegal Chinese fishing boat and its skipper, the Japanese people will surely get angry at the lawless Chinese skipper and the Japanese Government that released him while he was waiting for a trial in the Ishigaki-jima Island, Okinawa Prefecture.

It is estimated that 80% of the Japanese people will get angry at the lawless Chinese skipper and the Kan Cabinet. That is why P.M. Mr. Kan would not make it publicly open, while the Chinese Government has authorized Chinese sites presenting an illustration where the Chinese fishing boat is hit by a Japanese Coast Guard ship.

*** *** *** ***

Now the 14th man having been deep underground has been rescued in Chile.

It is time to think about what sign this incident is.

It is 33 men in two months and one week in a miracle situation.

There might be a case of one man in 66 months and 33 weeks, namely 74/12 = six years and two months.

Six years and two months ago, it was August 2004 a report on which is however not included in this blog.

On August 13, 2004, a helicopter of the U.S. Marines crashed in the campus of a university in Okinawa, Japan, though without human casualties.

On August 7, 2004, the Japanese national soccer team won the final of the AFC Asian Cup games held in Beijing, which triggered large-scale anti-Japanese demonstrations in China, while partly developing into anti-Chinese Government demonstrations.

Do you really feel that you alone has been making a desperate effort in Japan for peace and friendship with, say, America and China since August 2004?

Mat 10:12 And when ye come into an house, salute it.

Mat 10:13 And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Whosoever shall put away his wife"

Like the Hyuga...(Click to enlarge.)

Terne Mardi

The NY stock exchange keeps a level of 10,000 dollars.

The U.S. unemployment is still near 10%.

It simply tells that the American Government is trying to protect financial assets of the upper-middle class and the upper-class Americans at the sacrifice of ordinary and poor Americans.

A simple solution is to have Chinese companies in America hire more Americans, or to have Japanese companies in America hire more Americans.

Before you go for voting in the midterm election, you had better think it over.

But, why do the Democrats like to hate Japan? Do they love the Chinese version of communism so much than the Japanese version of American Christianity Democracy?

SECTION I: 1894 Battles around Pyongyang

During the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895), fierce battles were fought around Pyongyang, the Korean Peninsula, between September 15 and 16, 1894.

This is a war between the Empire of Japan that modernized its military system through enormous efforts and the Ching Empire of China that purchased a great volume of modern weapons from Europe with huge gold and silver. The Kingdom of Korea had neither modernized its military nor had funds to buy modern weapons from Europe, which is reality of Korea in the 19th century.

Ching forces deployed around Pyongyang consisted of 15,000 troops and 32 cannons, facing the marching 12,000 troops of the Empire of Japan with 44 cannons.

Ching troops kept foods that could sustain the troops for a month in the surrounded city, while the Imperial troops carried foods only for two days as they came to the front in a hurry.

The attack by the Imperial troops started at 4 a.m. on September 14; and at 4:40 p.m. after heavy exchanges of fires Chinese troops defending Pyongyang waved the white flag. Ching officers promised that they would surrender next morning. So, the Imperial troops led by samurai descendants did not storm into the city but stayed outside Pyongyang. Yet, past 9 p.m., generals, officers, and soldiers of the Ching Army started to run away from the city to the border for China. The betrayed Imperial troops started to chase them in a mad rush.

In this way, the Battle at Pyongyang ended with victory of the Empire of Japan, though Ching generals are said to have intended to meet the Imperial Army again after retreating to the Yalu River flowing between China and Korea. Chinese troops had no resolution to defend Pyongyang at any costs from the marching Imperial Army.

Actually, the major ground battles in the Japanese-Sino War ended with this siege warfare at Pyongyang, North Korea.

The Chinese influence on, occupancy of, and control of the Korean Kingdom came to an end with this war, which was the major purpose of the Empire of Japan.

However, no Koreans and the Korean military took any important part in this war that decided the fate of Korea. Korean rulers and elites opted to follow the classic Ching Dynasty they regarded as still being great. They did not listen to the modern Empire of Japan that advised Koreans to get independence from China. Koreans in the late 19th century did not want to be independent from China. So, the Empire of Japan thought it must fight an independence war against China in lieu of Koreans, in a certain interpretation of history.

Nonetheless, after the Japan-Sino War, as Korean elites lost the back-up and aid from the Ching court in Beijing, they turned to the Russian Empire rather than promoting friendship with the Empire of Japan, which irreversibly decided the fate of Korea.

In the Korean Kingdom at the time, no Korean elites and upper-class members took care of ordinary Koreans. They still lived in the classic paradigm of the Confucian sense of seniority. Korean elites and upper-class members admitted superiority of China in the order of nations based on the Confucian sense of seniority. They could not understand the rise of the Empire of Japan.

Without carrying out modernization and industrialization, Korean elites and upper-class members in the late 19th century continued to pretend that the Korean Kingdom was the second greatest nation in the world next to the Ching Empire as the original house of Confucianism. They regarded Japan as the third at best in this order. So, they rather tried to tie up with Russians now that Chinese troops were found to be useless to defend the Kingdom from the Empire of Japan. Korean elites could not modernize and strengthen their troops partly due to a distorted doctrine of their version of Confucianism.

Accordingly, for Korean people to be modernized with reasonable education and industrialization, it became inevitable for them to be directly governed, administered, or guided by the Empire of Japan but not by Korean noble clans, which actually happened in the 20th century till the end of WWII.

Yet, the Empire of Japan should not have annexed Korea in the early 20th century as history has proven. The Empire should have helped the Korean Kingdom modernize itself as a closed ally, though it was said that the indirect support and management of Korea was so inefficient that direct governance was needed to modernize Korea. The Empire of Japan wanted to have the Kingdom of Korea help the Empire of Japan defend itself from the invading Russian Empire.

Finally, young Koreans today did not know the correct state of Korea in the 19th century or under the rule of the Yi Dynasty. They think that Koreans were as civilized as Americans in the late 19th century, but it was the state after the Empire of Japan had educated them (to be able to read and write) and invested so much money into the Korean Peninsula for industrialization in the half of the 20th century. In this context, Japanese today are surprisingly not arrogant to Koreans of today.

(In addition, it is interesting where the Ching Dynasty thought, if vaguely, its imperial border lied in the Korean Peninsula. It might have been at the Korean Strait, since over the sea channel there existed Japan that had been politically independent of Chinese emperors since the late sixth century, though Confucianism was studied, adopted, and practiced in Japan more than in China...)

SECTION II: P.M. Kan Should Release the Evidence Video on Senkaku

Check the Japan Coast Guard site:

Prime Minister of Japan Mr. Naoto Kan is not afraid of the Chinese people but of the Japanese people.

If the evidence video is released and clearly presents violent actions of the illegal Chinese fishing boat and its skipper, the Japanese people will surely get angry at the lawless Chinese skipper and the Japanese Government that released him while he was waiting for a trial in the Ishigaki-jima Island, Okinawa Prefecture.

It is estimated that 80% of the Japanese people will get angry at the lawless Chinese skipper and the Kan Cabinet. That is why P.M. Mr. Kan would not make it publicly open, while the Chinese Government has authorized Chinese sites presenting an illustration where the Chinese fishing boat is hit by a Japanese Coast Guard ship.

*** *** *** ***

Ranking of Copper Production in 2007:

1. Chile...5.56 million tons
2. USA....1.20
3. Peru....1.00
4. China....0.89
5. Australia..0.86
6. Indonesia...0.80
7. Russia...0.73
8. Canada...0.60
9. Poland...0.51
10. Zambia...0.48

In Chile, mines at Escondida and Chuquicamata are well known for their huge amounts of deposit.

Japan was once the largest producer of copper, specifically in the late 17th century.

Even Adam Smith mentioned some about copper produced in Japan in his book "Wealth of Nations" published in 1776.


So, if American economists have ever read "Wealth of Nations," their view on Japan must have been more reasonable in these decades!

Anyway, May God save the 33 miners in Chile!!...too late, too little?

Mar 10:10 And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter.

Mar 10:11 And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.

Mar 10:12 And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Like the Mikasa...

Tokyo-Yokohama-Yokosuka on the Bay of TokyoHere You are!

A Story of Tokugawa Ieyasu

If you are a Japanese, you must have your own view on Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu; the three "Sengoku"-era heroes of Japan.

Till the early 1600's, whole Japan had been in a warring state among feudal samurai lords for 150 years, which is called "Sengoku-Jidai" in Japanese.

The three samurai heroes who put an end to this era were Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu. (Note that their name is expressed with their family name first.)

Nobunnaga was a kind of revolutionary samurai born in a house of a mediocre samurai lord; Hideyoshi was a very skillful and talented samurai born in a farmer's house; and Ieyasu was a very cautious but brave samurai born in a house of a minor samurai lord.

Nobunaga was standalone from his birth to death; Hideyoshi was a subordinate samurai-general till assassination of his lord Nobunaga; and Ieyasu was a junior partner of Nobunaga through alliance, though Ieyasu founded the Tokugawa shogunate that lasted for 260 years till 1868.

The three samurai heroes were, all alike, bloody through their careers. But, Ieyasu was more unique even than other samurai heroes in that he killed his wife and eldest son.

In 1579 when Ieyasu and his wife were in their late 30's and their eldest son was just 21 years old, Ieyasu killed his wife Sena-hime and his son Nobuyasu.

Nobuyasu married the eldest daughter of Oda Nobunaga to have two daughters. When Nobuyasu was forced to commit a suicide by his father Ieyasu and actually died, his wife Toku-hime left her infant daughters at Ieyasu, leaving however not for her powerful father Nobunaga but for her brother.

Yet, this incident did not affect the relationship between Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu. In fact, it is said that Ieyasu had sent a veteran samurai of his house to Nobunaga to secure Nobunaga's consent, as the Nobunaga's daughter was the wife of the Ieyasu's son to be killed by Ieyasu. Nobunaga then living north of Kyoto or west of Tokugawa's dominion respected the extraordinary will of Ieyasu.

At the time, the alliance of Nobunaga and Ieyasu was standing face to face against a strong samurai clan called Takeda who maintained its vast territory mostly in the mountainous areas between Owari (Nagoya) and Musashi (Tokyo). In one time, the two allies together mobilized 38,000 samurai troops equipped with 3,000 matchlock guns against 15,000 samurai troops on the Takeda side including 1,500 or so experienced cavalry.

But, in a seaboard region in the south of the Takeda's territory, there had been a dominant samurai clan called Imagawa to whom Ieyasu had been forced to follow. Young Ieyasu had married a niece of the chief of the Imagawa clan. But, when the chief was killed by Oda Nobunaga in a miracle war and victory for Nobunaga in 1560, Ieyasu had left Imagawa and returned to his home region and castle called Okazaki-jyo, leaving his wife Sena-hime and his little son Nobuyasu in the territory of Imagawa. The Imagawa clan had got angry at Ieyasu, so that the parents of Sena-hime had been forced to commit a suicide. Nonetheless, two years after the tragedy, Ieyasu could take his wife and son to the Okazaki-jyo castle through an exchange of hostages. Several years after this incident, the Imagawa clan went to ruin due to invasion by the Tokugawa clan and the Takeda clan.

Then, as time went by, Tokugawa Ieyasu arranged a marriage of his son Nobuyasu with the eldest daughter of Oda Nobunaga. As further time went by, Ieyasu and his son Nobuyasu, joining Nobunaga, fought fierce battles against the Takeda clan. But, one day, Ieyasu decided to kill his wife and his son while the long war against the Takeda clan was still going on.

At the time Ieyasu lived in a castle called Hamamatsu-jyo on the front facing Takeda's forces, while having his son Nobuyasu live and manage Okazaki-jyo. But, in the Okazaki-jyo castle, Ieyasu also had his mother live with her remarried family. Accordingly, there were three women important for Ieyasu living together or partly separately in and around the Okazaki-jyo castle.

Ieyasu's mother hated the Imagawa clan, since she had been forced a divorce on from her husband, namely Ieyasu's father who died in 1549, due to a complicated relationship between her husband and the Imagawa clan. Ieyasu's daughter in law, or his son's wife, Toku-hime was the eldest daughter of the mighty senior lord Nobunaga who had actually helped Tokugawa destroy the Imagawa clan. But, Ieyasu's wife was a niece of the deceased head of the Imgawa clan whom Nobunaga had killed in a miracle war in 1560 when Nobunaga was so minor and Imagawa was so mighty.

So, in 1579 there were three women important for Ieyasu living together or partly separately in and around the Okazaki-jyo castle. But, only Ieyasu's wife was from the Imagawa clan, a kind of enemy for Ieyasu's mother and his daughter-in-law's father Nobunaga. And, Imagawa had been rather closer to Takeda traditionally and regionally as Takeda's domain was north of Mt. Fuji and Imagawa's east of the holy mountain.

This is a dangerous situation. Something must happen. And, to everybody's surprise, Ieyasu sent assassins, namely some samurais from the Hamamatsu-jyo castle, to kill his wife Sena-hime, while sending his confidential samurais to his son Nobuyasu who was then brought to a branch castle near Takeda's territory where they forced him to commit a suicide.

After this incident, Nobuyasu's wife Toku-hime left her infant daughters at Ieyasu, leaving however not for her powerful father Nobunaga but for her brother. Finally only Ieyasu's mother survived in the Okazaki-jyo castle.

Long after this incident in 1579, Tokugawa Ieyasu did not have the legal wife. His second legal wife was a sister-in-law of Toyotomi Hideyoshi who strategically arranged this strategic marriage in 1586, since at the time Hideyoshi, as the sole successor of Oda Nobunaga, conquered so many regions in Japan to be regarded as the promised ruler of whole Japan which he became a few years later.

However, after the death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1598, Tokugawa Ieyasu survived fairly and eventually destroyed the Toyotomi clan.

In this way, the Tokugawa clan and the house of Tokugawa shugunate governed Japan till 1868 when a great civil war resulted in the Meiji Restoration of the Imperial authority and the start of modernization of Japan.

Finally, why did Ieyasu have to kill determinedly his wife Seri-hime and his eldest son Nobuyasu? It is one of mysteries in the Japanese history.

But, there were three women important for Yeasu, namely, his mother, his wife, and his son's wife who was the eldest daughter of powerful Nobunaga. And, 20 years before, his wife had enjoyed the highest state and the richest life among the three, since her mother was a sister of the then chief of the Imagawa clan.

And after this tragic and mysterious incident, only Ieyasu's mother remained in the main castle of the Tokugawa clan.

So, my theory is that Ieyasu's mother gave a warning to Ieyasu that his wife devised a secret plan to have her son Nobuyasu kill Ieyasu and revolt against Nobunaga to tie up with the Takeda clan. Seri-hime was secretly trying to restore Imagawa. Unless Ieyasu had taken a decisive action, he would be killed by his wife and son sooner or later. It must have been a fatal advice from his mother to Ieyasu.

Of course, there are many other theories. One of them is that Tokuhime, the wife of Nobuyasu, wrote a letter to her powerful father Nobunaga asking to punish her husband and his mother, since Nobuyasu betrayed her with help from his mother. Accordingly, Nobunaga demanded death of his wife and son to Ieyasu, which Ieyasu executed faithfully, though even without an apparent grudge to his senior partner of war Nobunaga.

Now, a public holiday of Japan, the Sports Day, is going to close, since the Tokyo Olympic Games were started on October 10, 1964, an age and more ago.

(In addition, two infant daughters of Nobuyasu and Toku-hime who had terrible grandfathers Nobunaga and Ieyasu grew up peacefully and lived long in happiness in the era governed by the Tokugawa clan...)

"Thou must prophesy again"

So, I am going to Tokyo. Meet me there!

SECTION I: Japanese Demonstrators with the Sun Flags

Some Asians, Europeans, and Americans seem to wonder if Japanese people have accepted the Chinese claim on the Senkaku Islands.

First of all, the fact is that within the Japanese territorial sea around Japan's Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea an illegally fishing Chinese boat hit itself violently to a Japanese Coast Guard ship, resulting in a little damage on the Japanese ship.

This incident was made a record of by a Japanese official with a video camera. If the video of the clash was made public, the Japanese people would get angry with the lawless Chinese skipper who was however already allowed to return to his home town in China. As the Kan Cabinet thinks so, it has decided not to release it to the media.

So, almost 2,500 Japanese launched a rare demonstration with Japanese Sun Flags on October 2, however which the Japanese media did not report domestically and abroad. It is said that leftists and pro-Chinese politicians and businesses exerted their influence on the Japanese media, in order to prevent China from striking a more stupid attitude in responce with fear. Yet, some Western media took notice on this nationalistic movement mostly by ordinary Japanese.

For the demonstration:

For a Japanese blog checking the Western media;

Yet, the Japanese demonstrators never burnt the Chinese flag.

To make sure, I did not join the demonstration, since in such a demonstration always included are some people, if 1% or a few, who do not respect law and justice 100%. I never march with such guys or members of any dubious body who might be harassing low-abiding Japanese citizens on other occasions like Japanese gangsters or the Chinese or Korean Mafia.

I will rather march with the police and the Self Defence Forces carrying thousands of the Sun Flags.


*** *** *** ***

Rev 10:10 And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.

Rev 10:11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Tama River between Tokyo (left) and Kanagawa Prefectures
The Sakuragi-cho Station in Yokohama, Kanagawa
Back to the Station
Down from 900-Feet High

As it is will be better of the weather tomorrow, I think I will go out tomorrow...